Digital But Original—The Thoughts are Handcrafted


Friday, September 26, 2008

Baby #2 Coming Soon(er)

Though ultrasounds aren't entirely precise on the size of babies, I think I better follow my doctor's advice. After measuring he tells me that having a 9-pound baby would be dangerous following a previous c-section. So, I am going to have another c-section on Tuesday at noon! I'm happy that there is an end in sight, not so thrilled that I have to go through all the recuperation again. So, anyway, baby #2 will be in my arms in a short four days!


Lise said...

Wow! Jessica, Congratulations! That is so exciting when it gets so close. I am in the middle of changing doctors and figuring out what kind of birth I am up for. I hope all goes well for you and you heal quickly.

Hayley said...

How exciting that you will meet your new little one soon! Good luck with the birth and post birth.

Unknown said...

Oh! How exciting and how I wished I lived closer to HELP! Especially with the recovery and everything! Know that we love you! Call when you've got your little one in your arms. I'm anxious to know his name! :) Loves!

Megan said...

Ooh. That is so nice to have an end in sight. I hope it all goes well. You are such a good mom.

brittanyandtravis said...

Good luck on Tuesday! I hope everything goes well for you.

Cinderella, the A-Train and Our Little Caboose said...

Congrats Jess! That is such great news...keep me updated on how you are doing and dont forget to include pictures!!

Torrie Young said...

Oh my goodness. Wow. It's here. It would be nice to know when exactly you are going to have the baby. We hope all goes well. Much love.

nathansara said...

WOW! How exciting. Hope all is well. Can't wait to see that new baby. Looking forward to the updates. Take care and get lots of rest.

Sheryl said...

I had no idea you were that far along! YAY for you. Good-luck, I'll be thinking of ya!

Amy said...

Is that today!? How exciting! Hope everything goes smoothly. Keep us updated and post lots of pictures.

Sara Walker said...

I've heard the re-coup is a lot harder, but think of it this way, at least you know what you are getting into if you've done it before, and it will be nice to have a set date and time for it. That's awesome, as I write this you are probably holding that sweetheart. How exciting, can't wait to see him.