Digital But Original—The Thoughts are Handcrafted


Monday, October 20, 2008

Luke and Noah

Well, I have to admit that having two little ones is hard. I've, thankfully, had help. My mom came a couple of days before Noah was born and stayed a two and a half weeks! Honestly, I don't know how I could have survived without her. She made everything so smooth. I was so lucky to have my mom here because at night I would get up to nurse the baby and then she would take over burping, changing and getting the little guy back to sleep. She cooked, cleaned, and took care of both of the kids. Where is she now?!?

My awesome sister, Kim, also flew out to be with us and the new baby. It was just wonderful to have them here and I'm so grateful. Jared's mom flew out to be here the same day as Kim and my mom flew home. She's going to be helping me out until November 2. We have such amazing family that blesses our lives immensely.

I've been doing very well with the recovery from the c-section. The hardest part is not being able to do the things I want and need to do. I admit to lifting Luke sometimes. It's just hard to have to ask someone to help with everything. It was my turn to teach the YW on the 12th, so when I showed up to church people were so surprised. I really feel blessed that I've been out of pain for the most part and been able to get around. When Luke was born, it was a much longer and painful recovery.

Luke has been doing so well adjusting to his new little brother. He has been getting lots of attention from the grandmas and auntie. He has been fun to watch around the baby. He puts his hands on Noah's head and rubs his hair mussing it all up. He will give the baby loves and kisses too. He seems very concerned when Noah cries and he's so cute standing on his tiptoes to peek into the bassinet at the baby. So, most of my fears have been put aside for the most part about Luke adjusting.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

More Details About Noah's Birth

Now that Noah has been home for over a week and things have settled down a bit, I have a minute to describe what happened with his birth. At 12:00 pm on Tuesday, Sept. 30, Jessica was scheduled for a c-section. However, some lady who had been in labor for some time without a successful delivery cut in line for a c-section before Jessica. While, for Jessica, this certainly wasn't an amusement park ride, she did have to stand in line (lay in bed awaiting spinal anesthesia, actually). This meant that the birth did not happen till 1:24 pm.

Unlike with Luke's birth, I got to watch the surgical team cut and pull out the baby. When Luke was born, I was told that I had to stay out of viewing range since they feared a queasy, fainting father. As the surgery to delivery Noah progressed, I felt anything but queasy and was able to capture most of it on video. I'm working to put some clips together for friends' and family's viewing pleasure. Ok, so the c-section part may be a bit gory, but it is miraculous to see Noah pulled from the womb and preserve his first moments.

Just postpartum, Jessica was able to have the new little baby lifted up to her. She tells me from watching the video that she doesn't remember those moments real well. Thanks to my parents who gave us the video camera, at least she can see the video to remember better than through a drugged haze darkly.

Speaking of postpartum, Jessica is such an attentive, encouraging. mother. She loves Luke so much and is happy to have another little one to care for.

Jessica just had her staples out and has done well with her recovery, or so she tells me. Apparently, while still painful, the whole experience has been easier than what happened with Luke. She has had some pain and no longer has Vicodin to combat that. I jokingly told her that I could look online for some to purchase without a prescription from Mexico, but I believe that she is feeling better from day to day.

Anyway, returning to the birth, I was able to take Tuesday through Friday off from work. At Luke's birth, I had hardly any leave accrued and only took a couple days. I may have taken more time off still, but Jessica's mother was here, and now her sister, Kim, is visiting. We're so appreciative of all their help!

Speaking of the name Noah, I had held out on what to name the baby till I could see him. Jessica had originally liked the name Noah the most, but we also liked Andrew. Luke and Hamilton are both ancestor's names, and we also wanted the new baby to have a name with a family connection too.

I found it much easier to come up with names that would never work than names that would. For example, I ruled out Ahmadinejad Bernotski. That would be a definite no-no. However, Andrew P. Anderson was my great-grandfather on my mother's side, and we considered Andrew as a name. Noah Packard is a relative on my dad's side who was in Nauvoo and is actually mentioned once in the Doctrine and Covenants as a a leader in the high priests. Dalton, similarly, is the maiden name of Jessica's grandmother.

After seeing the baby, I liked Noah Dalton as a name, and Jessica had already picked that as a favorite name. We will probably bless and name the baby around Christmastime when we're visiting family. While we have already named him now, naming and blessing by the power of the priesthood gives the name a divine meaning and seal of approval.

Anyway, Jessica and the baby stayed in the hospital for three days due to hemorrhaging Jessica was having. There was a large clot that was keeping the uterus from contracting back to size. The nurses kept pushing on Jessica and 2.5 pounds of ick came out! Then, even after that, hospital staff wouldn't let Jessica have anything to eat or even drink for three days until her bowels were functioning.

This isn't meant to be a graphic novel, so I will leave out further illustrations. Suffice it to say that Jessica made it past the "clear liquids only" stage. She was able to leave the hospital on Friday and return home. In Noah's case, he was ready to come home. He didn't have any problems feeding and has even had his first bottle now without issue. He is a good eater and has a sweet disposition. He sleeps about two to three hours between feedings. I don't know if we can have two that are as good as Luke, but we'll wait and see. We feel so blessed to have both he and Luke in our family!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

General Conference Baby

Fittingly, the Lord sent a message most divine a few days before General Conference. On Sept. 30, 2008 at 1:24 pm, Noah Dalton Bernotski came via c-section. Jessica had wanted to deliver by VBAC, but Dr. McCall predicted that Noah was just too big. Dr. McCall was right since this plump newborn weighed in at 9 lbs. 1 oz. and 20 3/4 inches long. In any case, Jessica was glad to have the birth a few days early.

Since I'm writing this during General Conference, I will be brief. As I'm typing, Elder Holland is speaking about angels as the Lord's emissaries. We're certainly grateful that the Lord sent this dear, sweet baby as an angel to our home. Mainly I'm posting now to put up some photos: