Digital But Original—The Thoughts are Handcrafted


Monday, March 24, 2008

Apple Juice

I love apple juice. I really do and I consider myself a bit of a connoisseur. Anyway, a while back I splurged on the Simply brand. They also make orange, lime, and lemonade (which are also all excellent). Well, their apple juice is by far the best around. I used to go to this apple stand in Provo/Orem that would sell fresh juice from their apples--delicious. Simply really compares! AND, it's on sale at Walmart NOW. Try some today!


MissouriMormonMama said...


I think you've sold me, I'm going to have to try some ( :

Brian & Heidi Haas said...

I am a HUGE juice fan myself, I love it....almost as much as popsicles!

Unknown said...

Jess, I remember drinking apple juice boxes in your dad's office at Ridgecrest while we were sluffing recess! I also remember your mom brining apple juice and cheese & cracker packets to Disneyland when we went in 6th grade. Do you remember that? You really have always loved apple juice! That and sunny delight. I didn't know what Sunny D even was until I was at your house! :)